Masjid Noor Long Island, 1032 Park Ave, Huntington, NY 11743

Contact (631) 683-4185



Executive Director:

Rafiq Faiz, born and raised in New York, is a muftī and resident scholar who graduated from Madinah, Saudi Arabia where he studied Qurʾānic exegesis (tafsīr), theology, and hadith under some of today’s most esteemed and influential scholars. As the author of Secrets of the Quran, alongside several prominent research papers in the field of medicine, according to Islamic law, and biochemistry, Muftī Rafiq is passionate about inspiring the leaders of tomorrow’s generation.

Assistant Imam:

Moulana Farzaan is a spiritual leader within the Muslim community. Born in Guyana, South America, he began his religious education at a young age and eventually pursued advanced studies in Islamic theology and jurisprudence in South Africa. He has dedicated his life to serving the community, delivering inspiring sermons, and providing guidance to Muslims seeking greater spiritual fulfillment. Ml Farzaan has been actively involved in an effort to promote religious understanding and harmony in the community as well as working with the current generation of youths.