(Quran & Islamic Classes)Maktab (Quran & Islamic Classes)
We offer the Weekday Quraan (Maktab) Program and the Saturday Islamic Classes. Alhumdualillah we have seen tremendous improvement in the knowledge and manners of the students who participate in the Quraan (Maktab) Program.
Quraan (Maktab) Classes
Daily Maktab classes Begins First week of September. Please register soon.
- Monday thru Friday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
- Quraanic recitation classes for the Girls and Boys
- Deeniyyaat Classes (various subjects of Deen- Fiqh, Duaas, Aadaab and Akhlaaq, and Stories of the Sahabah (RA) and Prophets (pbut)) for the Boys.
We strongly encourage parents to enroll their children in both programs as coming to the Masjid 6 days a week will be immensely beneficial to your children.

As always, parents play a significant role and need to be very active in their child’s education.
Therefore, we will require a committed effort on your part in helping your children learn about the Deen.
Spaces are LIMITED, so register early.
If you have any questions or comments, we encourage you to contact the teachers and administration.
Registration form can be found here: Registration Form